At the beginning of the year I posted about my weight problem. I didn't follow through the way I intended to, but here are some details.
I tried, I failed, I tried some more, I failed, I tried even more, I failed, I gave it to God, I succeeded!!!
Basically, what that means is that I tried to lose weight the way I've always learned, by the wisdom of the world. I know soooooooo much about nutrition, exercise, calorie intake, etc, etc, etc...yet putting that wisdom into action gave me little to no positive results at all. Then my aunt let me know about this Bible study that is about dealing with Feasting on Jesus instead of food...The main idea of the study was to view food and the sin issues of your heart that lead one to overeat, starve themselves, binge and purge, etc in the light of the Word of God. To focus on Jesus and His wisdom instead of the world's wisdom. What a wonderful ride that was!!
Not only was I confronted, encouraged, and strengthened, but I was transformed from the inside out. What an amazing experience! In less than 3 months I lost 27lbs. That was all focusing on Jesus. I did exercise, but it was only really walking or doing a 30-45 minute dvd once a day, sometimes not even that. God showed me that it wasn't what I was eating, or how I was eating, or the kind of exercise I did or didn't do, that was the problem, it was my heart that was the problem. I was looking to fill my soul with physical food instead of spiritual food from the Word. When I stopped trying to fill my soul that way I noticed changes, spiritually and was amazing. I have since gained about 7 lbs back, b/c the last part of the study was a 20 day fast, and that was expected, but I feel fabulous and am continuing on my journey. My goal is to get to 130 by summer of 2011...I believe that whether I succeed at that or not doesn't really matter, but that, as I continue this journey, the more important thing will be accomplished..that is I will be blessed with a more intimate, deeper, relationship with Jesus than ever before..I will have an abundance of His peace throughout this sometimes very chaotic life of mine, and I will be blessed with joy unexplainable. All praise and glory to my LORD!!
If you're interested in the study that I did, go to; and click on The Lord's Table. It is a free online study (you can also purchase the study and have the books sent to your home...i chose the online study...they are both the same..) I encourage everyone to check it will be so blessed that you did :)
If you do the study, I would encourage you to keep a journal of your journey. I kept one in a's great to go back and review what you've learned. <3
I am so glad you posted this, I have been trying (unsuccessfully) for a very looooong time to lose weight. I am so grateful God pointed me here to see that I am not the only person that struggles with this! Thank you so much, I am going to get that study! We can encourage each other for sure!!!! Keep being the blessing that you are!!! ♥