Do you really want to know the real me?
I am the one who's husband said to her, last night,
"If I could've seen years down the road and known that you would be sick all of the time, I would've scratched you out of my life and moved on."
"Some days I just wish I could be with someone who doesn't have so many physical issues."
That's what my life looks like.
Did you see that coming?
Probably not.
Neither did I, after 13 years of marriage.
I'm sure you could imagine how those words echoed in my mind;
the pain that pierced my heart,
the feelings of lonliness that seized me at that very moment.
I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that,
even if my husband feels this way about me,
I have a love, a true love, who will NEVER hurt me so.
He loves me, unconditionally.
He holds me as I cry from the pain and stores all of my tears in a bottle.
He tells me He will NEVER leave me or forsake me,
that I am His princess.
I am precious in His sight.
He is the one who gave His very life out of His pure, unending love for me.
He protects me from all who seek to destroy me;
I can trust Him alone.
He brings me peace, a peace that is uncomprehensible, in times of chaos.
He paints beautiful pictures in the sky every morning and night,
because He knows how much I love them.
He paints the world around me with such brilliant colors; incorporating shapes and melodious sounds,
because He knows that when I see and hear them I am reminded of just how special I am to Him.
So, you see, that even if my husband has a hard time seeing me as the person I was made to be, with all my faults, ailments, and quirky ways,
He sees me as whole, perfect, and precious.
No, He isn't another man. Another man could NEVER love me like He does.
He is my Lord Jesus Christ!
Without Him, I would have lost heart.
He is my One True Love, and always will be.
In Him I have hope.
In Him I have a purpose.
In Him, I have worth.
Noone can ever take that away